
Nicholas Kusmich

Founder of the H2H Media Group is best known as a Leading Digital Advertising Strategist and for having the highest ROI's in the industry (up to 30,973.32%). Working with A-List clients, including top thought-leaders, NYT Best Selling Authors, Top Inc 500, and fast-growth companies, he creates advertising campaigns that don’t suck and allow you to scale your business at will. Get a free copy of his bestselling book GIVE and subscribe to his newsletter at

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Throw in the towel, I think it’s time to give up.

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader, Let’s talk about something that’s more important than any ad strategy, any funnel, or any conversion tactic. It’s what I like to call the “art of sticktoitiveness”. This is the magic sauce that keeps you moving forward when it feels like everything is working against you. Now, let’s get real. I’ve been in the online marketing world since its dawn. Back in the day, I studied under Corey Rudl, the original internet marketer who pioneered...

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader, Let’s talk about a concept that can shake up the way you think about making offers and closing deals. It’s not a new idea, but it’s incredibly powerful when used right: "results in advance"—getting paid after you’ve delivered results. This concept has been championed by marketing legends like Dean Jackson and Joe Polish, and it got me thinking: What if you structured your offers so people only paid once they got a result? It’s a bold move,...

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader, Let’s talk about one of the biggest hurdles I see when people sell high-ticket offers: mismatched messaging. You see, whether you're selling a $2,000 offer or a $200,000 package, if your messaging doesn’t align with the buyer you're targeting, it’s like selling a McLaren to someone looking for a Mazda. It’s just not going to click. So today, let’s dive into a framework I call "The Value Buyer Framework"—a way to ensure that your offer speaks...

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader, Today, I want to share something that’s a total game-changer when it comes to refining your offers, nailing your messaging, and, ultimately, improving your results. It’s called an Advisory Board—and it might just be the most underused yet powerful, tool you have in your business. If you’ve ever felt like you’re running in a silo, making decisions on your own without any real feedback until it’s too late (i.e., you’ve already spent thousands...

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader, Today, I want to dive into something that’s going to sound counterintuitive to all the “be original” advice we’re bombarded with daily. Let’s talk about copywriting—and no, I’m not just talking about the craft of writing persuasive text. I’m talking about “copying” the right stuff to take your marketing to the next level. Now, why do we call it copywriting? Some people think it’s because we’re writing “copy,” but I’m convinced it’s because,...

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader, Let’s dive into something that’s probably holding back more sales than we’d like to admit: objections. You know, those pesky little “buts” that creep up right when you think you’ve got someone ready to sign on the dotted line. Objections are a natural part of the sales process, but how you handle them can be the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity. And today, I want to talk about a unique way to overcome them—not by...

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader, Let’s talk about something that a lot of people miss in their marketing: messaging. And not just any kind of messaging—the kind that speaks directly to your ideal prospect. You know, the one who’s ready to swipe their card for your high-ticket offer without batting an eyelid. I had an interesting conversation a couple of weeks ago with one of my coaching clients. They said, “Nic, I joined this program because I want to know how to speak to...

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader, Let’s talk about something that can be incredibly frustrating: you’ve done the hard work of getting people to book calls, but then they don’t show up. It’s the sales equivalent of planning a big dinner, setting the table, and then finding out your guests decided to ghost you. No-shows are a common pain point, but the good news is there are ways to dramatically increase your show-up rates and stop wasting time on empty calendars. Whether...

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader, Today I want to dive into one of the most underrated aspects of marketing – perception. This concept might sound a bit fluffy at first, but stick with me. You'll soon see how mastering this can catapult your business to new heights. Let’s not waste any time and dive right in. Setting the Scene Remember, the first impression you make on potential clients happens in nanoseconds. Yes, nanoseconds! And those first moments set the stage for...

The Bottom Line Read time: 3.5 minutes. Hey Reader,Buckle up for a dose of real talk about what separates the marketing minnows from the whales. It all boils down to one thing: commitment with a backbone. On a recent coaching call, I delved into the wisdom I sometimes glean from my daily cold plunge habit. Btw, someone sent me this clip of this song and now I can’t get it out of my head every time I cold plunge. 😂While the health benefits of a daily ice bath might be debatable, there's a...