You’re Selling The Wrong Thing To The Right Buyer

The Bottom Line

Read time: 3.5 minutes.

Hey Reader,

Let’s talk about one of the biggest hurdles I see when people sell high-ticket offers: mismatched messaging.

You see, whether you're selling a $2,000 offer or a $200,000 package, if your messaging doesn’t align with the buyer you're targeting, it’s like selling a McLaren to someone looking for a Mazda. It’s just not going to click.

So today, let’s dive into a framework I call "The Value Buyer Framework"—a way to ensure that your offer speaks directly to the type of buyer you're targeting, whether you're selling premium, luxury, or something in between.

Step 1: Identify Your Buyer Type

Before you create your sales pitch or marketing materials, you need to know exactly who you're talking to. I like to break buyers down into six key types:

  1. Commodity Buyers: These folks value practicality and function. They’re not concerned with bells and whistles; they just want something that works at the best price. Think of this like the Honda of buyers. No flash, just reliable utility.
  2. Aspirational Buyers: These are the "one day, I’ll have it" types. They value the promise of what could be. They want to step up, but they’re not ready to go full luxury yet. They’re the Coach purse buyer, eyeing that Louis Vuitton but opting for something more within reach for now.
  3. Causal Buyers: This group values the cause. Think Tesla or TOMS. These buyers want to know they’re making a positive impact with their purchase. They're not just buying a product—they’re contributing to something greater.
  4. Premium Buyers: These buyers value higher quality, but not necessarily the most expensive. They’ll spend more for better craftsmanship but aren’t in the ultra-luxury market. Think BMW or Mercedes. Reliable, a bit flashy, but still approachable.
  5. Ultra-Premium Buyers: Now we’re talking about buyers who value how the product makes them feel. This is called hedonic value. This is your Porsche driver. They're after that emotional satisfaction—knowing they own something few others do.
  6. Opulent Buyers: These are the status-driven buyers who value social signals. They want the world to know they’ve "made it." Whether it’s a Ferrari or a Birkin bag, these buyers signal their success through their purchases.

Step 2: Align Your Messaging with Their Values

Once you’ve identified your buyer, it’s time to tailor your messaging to what they value most. Here’s where most marketers drop the ball: they're pitching a premium product with commodity-style messaging. For example, if you're selling a high-end service, you don't want to talk about price or practicality. Your buyer doesn't care about those things—they want to know how your offer elevates their status or solves a bigger problem.

Let's look at a few examples:

  • If you're targeting commodity buyers, focus on utility and function. What’s the practical value? How does this save them time, money, or hassle?
  • For aspirational buyers, tap into their future desires. What will life look like once they have your offer? Speak to their dreams, not their current reality.
  • Premium or ultra-premium buyers want to feel special. Highlight quality, craftsmanship, and the uniqueness of your offer.

Step 3: Speak Their Language

Now that you know who your buyer is and what they value, make sure your marketing speaks their language. An opulent buyer doesn’t care that your product has more features than the competition. They care about what those features say about them. The same goes for a causal buyer—they want to feel like their purchase is contributing to something larger.

You see where I’m going with this?

It’s all about alignment.

So, here’s the quick and easy takeaway: before you hit ‘send’ on that ad or jump on a call, ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Who is my buyer?
  2. What do they really value?

When your messaging matches the values of the buyer, that’s when conversions happen.

Keep refining, keep testing, and keep aligned with the right buyer for your offer.

Offer the right value and you’ll get the right buyer.

All the best,

Nic “Opulent” Kusmich

P.S. Watch my latest YouTube video "How To Cut Through The Ads Noise" HERE

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Nicholas Kusmich

Founder of the H2H Media Group is best known as a Leading Digital Advertising Strategist and for having the highest ROI's in the industry (up to 30,973.32%). Working with A-List clients, including top thought-leaders, NYT Best Selling Authors, Top Inc 500, and fast-growth companies, he creates advertising campaigns that don’t suck and allow you to scale your business at will. Get a free copy of his bestselling book GIVE and subscribe to his newsletter at

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