Throw in the towel, I think it’s time to give up.

The Bottom Line

Read time: 3.5 minutes.

Hey Reader,

Let’s talk about something that’s more important than any ad strategy, any funnel, or any conversion tactic. It’s what I like to call the “art of sticktoitiveness”. This is the magic sauce that keeps you moving forward when it feels like everything is working against you.

Now, let’s get real. I’ve been in the online marketing world since its dawn. Back in the day, I studied under Corey Rudl, the original internet marketer who pioneered selling ebooks online. Corey was a trailblazer, but here’s the harsh truth that hasn’t changed since those early days: entrepreneurship is not easy, and marketing is even harder.

Somewhere along the way, this myth was born—the one where internet marketing is supposed to be easy. Thanks to the “bros in front of Lambos” telling everyone it’s simple, we’ve ended up with this idea that entrepreneurship (especially online) is a walk in the park.

Spoiler alert: It’s not.

Why It’s Hard—and Why That’s Okay

If you’ve been feeling like marketing is a grind and you're struggling to get the traction you want, you're not alone. I’ve been hearing this a lot lately—people saying, “This is harder than I thought,” or even, “I’m thinking about giving up.”

Here’s what I tell them: If you’re on the verge of throwing in the towel because things haven’t gone as planned, throw in the towel, and go get a day job. I know that sounds harsh, but seriously, you’ve got to be in this for the long haul. The only thing that separates those who make it from those who don’t is the ability to stick with it (and follow through following good advice).

Marketing, especially in today’s ultra-competitive landscape, is tough. Every single odd is stacked against you—there’s more noise, more competition, and more complexity than ever before. So, what do you do? You keep going.

Success Is About Perseverance, Not Luck

We’ve all seen the overnight success stories. Someone launches an ad, hits it big, and boom—they’re the new benchmark for success (even though their success was probably a decade in the making). And while those stories are great, they can be misleading. It’s easy to look at someone else’s highlight reel and feel like you’re falling short.

But let me let you in on a little secret: success is rarely that simple. The reality is, for most of us, marketing is a constant process of tweaking, testing, and adjusting. Some weeks you’ll hit a home run, and other weeks, it’ll feel like you’re striking out every day.

Last week, for example, we were averaging 12-15 sales calls a day. Things were great. But this week? We’re down to two or three calls a day, and that shift dramatically impacts everything. Even when you’ve been doing this for years and you’re considered an “expert,” there’s always work to be done. There’s no autopilot mode in this game.

So, what’s the difference between success and failure? Simple: giving up or continuing to push through.

Three Key Areas to Focus On When Things Aren’t Working

If you feel like things aren’t clicking, I want to give you three practical things to evaluate before you throw in the towel. These are the foundational pillars that will make or break your marketing efforts:

  1. Bad Advice: Are you following bad advice? Or are you just trying to “funnel hack” something you know nothing about? The easiest way to the bottom is to take the WRONG actions consistently. Make sure you’re being advised properly.
  2. Market Demand: Does your market really want what you’re offering? This is where many entrepreneurs get stuck. It’s not that your marketing or offer is necessarily bad—it’s that there’s a mismatch between what your market wants and what you’re selling. Are you offering a solution to a problem that your market actually cares about? If not, you’re setting yourself up for frustration. A quick test is to look at others in your space: Are they selling something similar successfully? If yes, there’s a market for it.
  3. Messaging: Is your messaging speaking directly to the pain points and desires of your audience? Sometimes, it’s as simple as tweaking your language. For instance, when I was trying to figure out how to position my lead generation offer, I thought about using terms like “better sales calls” or “Facebook ads strategies.” But when I listened to what my market was actually asking for, the phrase that came up over and over was “qualified lead generation.” Once I shifted my messaging to match what they were looking for, the results skyrocketed.

Case Study: Real Estate Agents and Specific Messaging

Here’s a real-world example of how powerful specific messaging can be. A client in our program was targeting real estate agents with the promise of helping them become part of the top 1%. While that’s a great goal, we had to ask ourselves, “Is that what real estate agents are waking up and thinking about every day?” Probably not.

So, we shifted the messaging from the aspirational “top 1%” language to something more immediate and practical, like “how to generate 2-3 more referrals this week without ever asking for one.” By getting specific and addressing the real problems agents face daily, we’re now able to get the results we were aiming for.

Wrapping It Up: Stick With It

Here’s the bottom line: Success in marketing is about sticking with it. There will be ups and downs, weeks where everything clicks, and weeks where nothing seems to work. But as long as you don’t give up, you’re going to win.

Remember, if things aren’t working, check these three areas:

  1. Are you following bad advice?
  2. Are you offering something your market actually wants?
  3. Is your messaging crystal clear and addressing a real problem?

Make those tweaks, and then keep moving forward.

Keep your head up and keep going… or quit! But don’t complain.

Nic “sticking with it” Kusmich

P.S. Watch my latest YouTube video "How To Manage Qualified Leads Who Didn’t Book A Call" HERE

P.P.S. Ready For More Calls On Your Calendar?
The best way I can help you is by showing you how to get more QUALIFIED sales leads, at much lower costs, without using an old, outdated traditional funnel... Interested? Learn more here →


Nicholas Kusmich

Founder of the H2H Media Group is best known as a Leading Digital Advertising Strategist and for having the highest ROI's in the industry (up to 30,973.32%). Working with A-List clients, including top thought-leaders, NYT Best Selling Authors, Top Inc 500, and fast-growth companies, he creates advertising campaigns that don’t suck and allow you to scale your business at will. Get a free copy of his bestselling book GIVE and subscribe to his newsletter at

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