How to Handle No-Shows and Increase Sales Call Show-Up Rates

The Bottom Line

Read time: 3.5 minutes.

Hey Reader,

Let’s talk about something that can be incredibly frustrating: you’ve done the hard work of getting people to book calls, but then they don’t show up. It’s the sales equivalent of planning a big dinner, setting the table, and then finding out your guests decided to ghost you.

No-shows are a common pain point, but the good news is there are ways to dramatically increase your show-up rates and stop wasting time on empty calendars. Whether you’re just getting started with running ads or you’re already in the game but struggling with this issue, I’ve got some strategies that can help.

The Reality of the Internet: It’s a No-Commitment Playground

First, let’s acknowledge that we’re playing on the internet, the ultimate non-committal platform. People can sign up for all sorts of things with a few clicks—without really intending to follow through. It’s not uncommon for someone to book a call with you after they’ve already scheduled similar calls with a dozen other vendors. It’s just the nature of the beast.

So, how do we cut through the noise and ensure that people actually show up?

Logistics: Keep It Tight and Timely

One of the easiest ways to improve show-up rates is by tightening the scheduling window. Ideally, you don’t want to let people book calls more than 48 to 72 hours in advance. The longer the gap between booking and the actual call, the higher the chance that something will come up, and they’ll either forget or lose interest.

Think about it—how many times have you signed up for a webinar, only to skip it when something else came up? It’s the same with calls. The closer the call is to the time they book, the more likely they are to actually show up.

Confirm, Confirm, Confirm

Just like when you book an appointment with your dentist or doctor, there should be a robust system in place to confirm calls. This can be as simple as an automated text or email, or it can be something more interactive, like a text that requires the prospect to send back a confirmation code.

One tactic I’ve seen work wonders is requiring the prospect to enter a code to confirm their appointment. This adds an extra layer of commitment—they can’t just breeze through a generic “yes.” They have to take an extra step, which psychologically increases their likelihood of showing up.

And here’s the kicker: if someone doesn’t confirm their appointment, cancel it. Yes, it might feel like you’re losing a potential client, but think about it—if they can’t even be bothered to confirm, do you really want to spend your time on that call?

Positioning: Create Value and Consequences

Let’s talk about positioning. One reason people don’t show up is that they don’t see the value in the call. If they think it’s just another sales pitch, they’re not going to prioritize it.

You need to position your calls as valuable opportunities—not just for them to learn about your offer, but for you to determine if they’re a good fit for your program. It’s a privilege, not a guarantee. If prospects understand that this call is a chance to potentially work with you and that spots are limited, they’re much more likely to show up.

Consider adding some consequences for no-shows. One idea is to take a seat deposit—an authorization hold on their credit card, say $100, that’s lifted when they attend the call. If they don’t show up, the card is charged. This sends a clear message that your time is valuable, and you’re serious about working with committed individuals.

The Human Touch: Manual Scheduling for Higher Commitment

Here’s something I recently learned from a conversation with a doctor’s office. They have a 1% no-show rate, compared to another practice’s 30% rate. The difference? They don’t let patients book appointments through an online calendar. Instead, you have to either talk to someone or text back and forth to confirm a time.

This little bit of human interaction makes a huge difference in commitment. When people are just clicking a time slot on an online calendar, there’s no real investment. But when they have to actually interact and choose a time, they’re much more likely to honor that commitment.

I’m testing a similar approach by having our prospects fill out an application, then taking them to a page that says, “Thanks for applying. Your application is being reviewed, and we’ll get back to you with available times if you qualify.” We follow up with a text offering two time slots, and only confirm the call after they respond.

It’s early days, but I’m optimistic this method will significantly boost our already good show-up rates. The takeaway? Sometimes a little friction in the booking process can lead to better outcomes.

Summing It Up

If no-shows are plaguing your sales process, it’s time to get proactive. Here’s a quick recap:

  1. Tighten the scheduling window: Don’t let people book calls too far in advance.
  2. Confirm appointments rigorously: Use automated texts, emails, or even manual confirmations that require an extra step from the prospect.
  3. Position the call as valuable: Make it clear that this is an important opportunity, not just another sales pitch.
  4. Add consequences: Consider taking a seat deposit or implementing a no-reschedule policy for missed calls.
  5. Experiment with manual scheduling: Adding a human element to the scheduling process might just be the key to higher show-up rates.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to get more people on your calendar—it’s to get the right people to show up and engage. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that the calls you do have are productive, valuable, and, most importantly, with prospects who are serious about working with you.

Talk soon,

Nic “No No Show” Kusmich

P.S. Watch my latest YouTube video "How To Handle Sales Objections" HERE

P.P.S. Ready For More Calls On Your Calendar?
The best way I can help you is by showing you how to get more QUALIFIED sales leads, at much lower costs, without using an old, outdated traditional funnel... Interested? Learn more here →


Nicholas Kusmich

Founder of the H2H Media Group is best known as a Leading Digital Advertising Strategist and for having the highest ROI's in the industry (up to 30,973.32%). Working with A-List clients, including top thought-leaders, NYT Best Selling Authors, Top Inc 500, and fast-growth companies, he creates advertising campaigns that don’t suck and allow you to scale your business at will. Get a free copy of his bestselling book GIVE and subscribe to his newsletter at

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