An “AB”: Your Secret Weapon for Growth

The Bottom Line

Read time: 3.5 minutes.

Hey Reader,

Today, I want to share something that’s a total game-changer when it comes to refining your offers, nailing your messaging, and, ultimately, improving your results. It’s called an Advisory Board—and it might just be the most underused yet powerful, tool you have in your business.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re running in a silo, making decisions on your own without any real feedback until it’s too late (i.e., you’ve already spent thousands on ads or revamped your entire offer), then this is for you. The idea behind an advisory board is simple but incredibly effective: tap into the wisdom of your current (and best) clients.

What is an Advisory Board, Anyway?

An advisory board is a small group of your most engaged, loyal clients—the ones who show up for calls, who’ve gotten solid results, and who’ve built rapport with you. These people have already invested in your program, believe in what you do, and (here’s the kicker) want to see you succeed.

By forming an advisory board, you can get real, actionable feedback on your ideas before you roll them out to the market. Whether it’s reviewing a new ad, tweaking your landing page, or even brainstorming new offers, this board can be your sounding board to help refine your direction. (They’ll also give you honest feedback about how you are currently delivering your program).

Why You Need One

Let’s face it—running a business can feel like you’re in your own bubble. You have great ideas, you’re pumped about launching new strategies, and then... crickets. You wonder, “Why isn’t this working?” More often than not, it’s because we’ve run ahead with our ideas without stopping to ask for feedback - and asking for feedback from our best people - our clients.

Sure, you can pay for feedback from the market (also known as “throwing money at ads and hoping for the best”), or even ask our colleagues (who aren’t our ideal prospect and aren’t paying us money) but wouldn’t it be smarter to get early feedback from people who know you, trust you, and have already bought into your mission?

Real-World Example: The Power of Honest Feedback

Let me share a real-world example from John, a client who recently put this into action. John decided to take the advisory board approach and reached out to some of his most engaged clients. He asked for their feedback on his new landing page and program.

Now, let me tell you—this kind of feedback isn’t always easy to hear. John’s clients were direct, telling him that his landing page was missing the mark. They told him, “We signed up with you for emotional stability, not just strategy. But your landing page only talks about strategy.” Ouch, right? But that’s exactly the kind of truth that helps you course-correct.

Another piece of gold John got from his advisory board was about his refund policy. He was offering a money-back guarantee, but his clients pointed out that in a B2B setting, where corporate typically foots the bill, the refund option didn’t make sense. It wasn’t a concern for the individuals in his program because their companies were paying. John would’ve never gotten this level of insight without directly asking the people who already trusted him.

The Benefits of Feedback (Even When It Stings)

Getting feedback—especially the kind that says, “Hey, you’ve missed the boat here”—can be frustrating. But here’s the thing: that feedback is invaluable. It lets you pivot, adjust, and fix things before they become bigger problems.

John’s experience is the perfect example. Yes, it’s frustrating to have to redo parts of his landing page and rethink his refund strategy, but it’s a small price to pay for getting things aligned with what his audience actually wants. Now, instead of blindly throwing money at ads, he’s got a roadmap that’s based on real client insights.

How to Set Up Your Own Advisory Board

So, how can you apply this to your business? It’s simpler than you might think. Here’s a basic framework to get started:

  1. Identify your most engaged clients: These are the clients who regularly attend your calls, have gotten great results, and trust your process. They’re your champions.
  2. Reach out and invite them: Let them know you value their feedback and insights. You can even incentivize participation with a special offer, discount, or exclusive content. (Jon offered group coaching at the end of the ‘feedback session’ and everyone loved it.
  3. Use them as a feedback mechanism: Before launching a new ad, revising your offer, or tweaking your messaging, run it by your advisory board. Ask them for honest feedback, and use their insights to improve.
  4. Don’t feel obligated to implement everything: Not every piece of feedback will be actionable or align with your vision, and that’s okay. The point is to get a clearer understanding of how your ideas resonate with real people.

Final Thoughts

Building an advisory board is like having a secret weapon in your corner. Instead of operating in isolation, you get direct access to the minds of people who already believe in what you’re doing. They’ll help you refine, adjust, and perfect your offers—saving you time, money, and frustration in the long run.

So, if you’re not already leveraging an advisory board, now’s the time to start. Trust me, your future self (and your bank account) will thank you.

Until next time,

Nic “love my advisory board” Kusmich

P.S. Watch my latest YouTube video "The Power Of Using A Preview In Sales" HERE

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Nicholas Kusmich

Founder of the H2H Media Group is best known as a Leading Digital Advertising Strategist and for having the highest ROI's in the industry (up to 30,973.32%). Working with A-List clients, including top thought-leaders, NYT Best Selling Authors, Top Inc 500, and fast-growth companies, he creates advertising campaigns that don’t suck and allow you to scale your business at will. Get a free copy of his bestselling book GIVE and subscribe to his newsletter at

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